Do you want to reach a younger generation at your chamber? Then video content is your ticket.
Millennials and Gen Z flip through videos in their spare moments like Boomers and Gen X read emails.
Waiting in line? Watch a video.
Waiting for a conference call or Zoom meeting to start? Videos.
Watching TV? Yep, you guessed it, videos.
Whether you choose Reels, TikToks, Livestreams, or recorded video content, where there is action, there is potential to reach the younger generation. However, you don’t want to alienate your current audience either.

That’s why we compiled a list of video content ideas that can work for your chamber. Some are funny, some more traditional. Whichever of these you choose to create content around just make sure you are true to your chamber brand.
Chamber Video Content Ideas to Reach a Younger Demographic
Some of these ideas are standard business practices, while others are a little edgier. It’s important that as you venture into video, you stay in line with your brand. However, that doesn’t mean all of your videos have to be targeted at the same demographic. You likely have multiple member marketing personas. One of your personas might be a young entrepreneur or someone starting out in the business world. Keep your persona and ideal audience in mind when you’re scripting these videos. Some of these ideas are standard chamber video content but we provided some suggestions to make them more appealing to younger people.
Use the following list to engage your business community:
- Behind-the-Scenes Tour:
Show a sneak peek of what goes on behind closed doors at your chamber office. Bonus points if you throw in something unexpected like a closed door with a sign on it that reads “where the magic happens.” You could have a lot of fun with this. - Trendy Chamber Swag Haul:
Package up, then “unbox” and showcase the latest merchandise or swag from your chamber. You can also show the swag you picked up from a conference you attended. This can give your member businesses some ideas for their own swag. Additionally, the younger gens love unboxing videos. Don’t ask me why.
Here’s a video about making unboxing videos: - Fun Office Challenges:
Create light-hearted challenges that involve your chamber staff or members. Let your community see you in a new light. - Small Business Spotlight:
Feature local businesses supported by your chamber, highlighting their unique offerings. Don’t forget about your solopreneurs. Many young people have side hustles or are thinking about them. Spotlight people who have successfully leveraged a side hustle into a business. This will give viewers with a side hustle hope and inspiration that they can achieve the same success–with the chamber’s help, of course. - Success Stories:
Share inspiring stories of entrepreneurs or professionals who found success through your chamber’s programs. Check out this example from the Creve Coeur-Olivette Chamber. They use a young member, who talks quickly, and uses casual language to express why he’s happy with his membership. It seems totally natural, not scripted. - Community Service:
Document your chamber’s involvement in volunteer work or charity events. Cause marketing improves your reputation and your brand and may help people see your chamber as something outside of just a business organization. - Quick Business Tips:
Share bite-sized tips and tricks for business success. Short + funny = big audience. - Member Testimonials:
Interview chamber members about how being a part of the chamber has benefited them. Don’t use a bunch of “old people” to convey your message (i.e. people that your Gen Z’ers would think are old). If you’re looking to appeal to younger people you need to show people close to their age who are succeeding with the help of the chamber. Remember, people want to see themselves in these videos. Help them do that by showcasing diverse members of all ages, industries, races, and genders.
The Waterbury Regional Chamber is crushing it with their video testimonials: - Educational Series:
Create a series of informative videos on topics like marketing, networking, or leadership. When people find something of value, they want to squeeze everything out of it. Remember, we’re talking about the binge-watching generation. Not only do they binge-watch episodes but they also were able to watch their favorite movies over and over. They are an on-demand, series-loving generation and if they find your videos valuable, they will watch every episode. - Chamber History Lesson:
Share interesting facts and stories about the history of your chamber and its impact on the community. No long, drawn-out stories here. Punchy facts, “little known” pieces of interest that they can surprise their friends with. - Q&A Sessions:
Host live or pre-recorded Q&A sessions where you answer questions related to business or the chamber. - Life of a Chamber Staffer:
Have a little fun with this. Make people laugh. - Chamber Challenges:
Create fun challenges or contests that encourage local businesses to participate and engage with your chamber. For instance, you can host a 30-day social media marketing challenge where you provide a quick video every day on things your viewers can do to move the dial over the course of a month. - Networking Tips:
Share effective networking strategies and techniques for professionals. - Chamber Events Teaser:
Give a sneak peek of upcoming chamber events to generate excitement and attendance. Bonus points for narration that sounds like the “movie voice” guy on movie trailers. - Collaboration with Influencers:
Partner with local influencers to promote the chamber’s initiatives or events. If you’re trying to appeal to younger people, make sure they can see themselves in the influencers you use. Your local podcaster / vidcaster could be a great start. - Chamber Trivia:
Share interesting trivia questions related to your chamber or local businesses. - Personal Branding Tips:
Share advice on personal branding and building a strong online presence. Again, this can be really funny if you showcase examples of what not to do like don’t be a “Boastful Brad” or “Clueless Carrie.” - Member Discounts and Deals:
Highlight special offers or discounts available exclusively for chamber members. Using a flash concept where the offer is only good for several hours to one day will drive a fear of missing out and viewers will be quicker to act on the promotion. It will also “teach” people to tune in or check your page so post these consistently. - Interactive Polls:
Conduct interactive polls to gather opinions or preferences from your audience. - Business Book Reviews:
Recommend and review books relevant to business and professional development. You can give them your own rating system like “This scores 5 pineapples,” if your town is known for that fruit, for instance. - Chamber Dance Challenge:
Create a fun and catchy dance routine related to your chamber or local businesses. Not a dancer? Do a parody of a well-known song. - Business Etiquette Tips:
Provide insights on professional etiquette and best practices. Lots of room for humor here. - Chamber Celebrations:
Share videos from chamber anniversary celebrations, events, or milestones. - Memes and Humor:
Incorporate humor and memes to engage with your Gen Y or Gen Z audience, while still conveying important messages about the chamber. You can search YouTube for copyright free video snippets and memes.
Remember to keep your videos concise, visually appealing, funny, and in line with the trends and interests of your target audience on TikTok or whatever your favorite channel. Keep one thing in mind, most younger people visit Facebook the way they do an aging grandparent. They are there occasionally but it’s not the hippest most fire place to hang out. Stick with Insta and TikTok for that.