Have you ever thought about turnkey events? It’s a step beyond hiring an event planner or handing your event over to a chamber event committee. A turnkey event company brings the event to you and handles (almost) everything. Many parent teacher associations (PTAs) are embracing these kinds of events as lucrative, low-effort fundraisers. Here’s how […]
The Successful One-Person Chamber of Commerce – Part 2: Your Mindset
If you’re a one-person chamber of commerce, see part 1 of this series on physical resources that will help you do more with less and maximize the most important resource to you when you’re on your own: time. But physical resources aren’t the only things you need. Since much of the chamber responsibility falls on […]
The Successful One-Person Chamber of Commerce – Part 1: Physical Resources
Congratulations! You’re the sole employee at your chamber of commerce. As a one-person chamber, you are solely responsible for the success or failure of every single business in your town. Whew! Take a breath. That was just a joke. But it may feel that way sometimes. That’s why we have put together this guide to […]
How to Stop Self-Sabotage for Professionals (Who Don’t Know They’re Doing It)
If you were sabotaging your own chamber of commerce career, wouldn’t you want to stop? Sometimes, the first step to stop self-sabotage is to be aware of the specific actions you’re taking (or not taking) that is causing your career to stall. But if we were doing it, wouldn’t we know? Not always. Self-sabotage isn’t […]
How to Create New Members Out of Thin Air
Did you know that 43% of Americans plan(ned) to start a business in 2022? One third of them would be first time entrepreneurs. Once they start their businesses they are potential new members. But what if your chamber didn’t have to wait for them to get profitable or even get started before you became valuable to […]
How to Improve Employee Morale at Your Chamber of Commerce
There’s a local wine bar I like to visit in the town where I live. I enjoy going there and speaking to the owner who’s always behind the bar. He gives me a personal perspective on business – from consumer sentiment to employee morale across town – things you don’t always get from highbrow reads […]
18 Lunch & Learn Topics for Your Chamber
One of the many benefits of chamber membership is the learning that is available to members. That learning extends to every employee and can be quite a valuable selling point if the Lunch & Learn topics and webinars you offer are important to member businesses and their employees. But how do you find those enticing […]
Is Your Chamber Competing with Member Events?
Businesses are doing their best to build an audience and brand and trying to become a larger part of their customers’ lives. They have to. What worked years ago, isn’t working these days. With labor shortages, product/part shortages, and the ever-growing competition on the internet, businesses are having to try things they’ve never done before. […]
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